Here is some ideas:
- Label Exclusion [group]
- List Order: alphabetical, oldest-to-newest, newest-to-oldest, etc. [blog]
- Preview thumbnail
- Score Indicator (bar)
- Score Threshold: Absolute value, percentage
- Layouts: Plain text list, vertical, horizontal
- Authenticaion
- Open ID authentication: No more key (or just OAuth?)
- Support private blogs: AuthSub or OAuth
- Label Weighting and Content Weighting
- View Count
- Click Count
- View and Click Statistics
- Popular Posts based on Views and Clicks
- Non-single Post Page Allowed
I am asking you for help if you would like to see these above. If you know Python, JavaScript, or webdesign and you are willing to spend time to develop version 2, leave me a message.
I have no schedule to see those happening, so please don't expect to see version 2. I might or might not to code for it if no one joins. Unless someone is with me doing development, it's most likely, version 2 wouldn't be born.
If I start, it will be developing in another GAE app and accept few testers. Once it's done, that app will be deleted and move back to brps since brps is a short app id. The code is still Open Source and the service will still free and you still won't see any ads on your blogs or links to here if client script runs successfully.
The design process will be open for discussion somewhere (the group, I think) and the code will be still at Google Code same repo.
I guess that's all, now it's your move.